We are developing life skills that help kids in school, home, socially and so MUCH More.
Character in Action
The Role of Martial Arts in Character Development At Crabapple Martial Arts Academy, we understand that martial arts is much more than…
Setting Goals, Achieving Dreams:
Martial Arts’ Role in Personal Development In the journey toward personal and academic excellence, goal-setting stands as a beacon, guiding individuals through…
From Classroom to Dojo
Martial Arts as a Summer Learning Experience When school doors close for the summer, learning doesn’t have to take a hiatus….
The Confidence Kick
How Martial Arts Boosts Self-Esteem in Kids and Adults At Crabapple Martial Arts Academy, we’ve witnessed the transformative power of martial arts…
Fathers, Fitness, and Fellowship
Building Stronger Bonds Through Martial Arts As Father’s Day approaches, Crabapple Martial Arts Academy turns the spotlight on the incredible dads in…
Keeping the Momentum
The Importance of Continuous Training Over Summer As we transition into the warm, leisurely months of summer, the concept of taking a…
School’s Out for Summer, Training’s In
Why Summer Break Is the Best Time to Start Martial Arts Summer break ushers in a season of relaxation and freedom. However,…
Honor and Remember
Martial Arts Reflecting the Values of Memorial Day As Memorial Day approaches, we are reminded of the courage, sacrifice, and dedication of…
The Young Warrior’s Path
Why Martial Arts is Essential for Today’s Youth In a world where children are increasingly faced with challenges ranging from bullying to…
A Mother’s Strength
How Martial Arts Empower Moms and Their Families Motherhood embodies strength, resilience, and the unyielding dedication to nurturing and protecting one’s family….