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Off The Mat w/ Matt – July 2020
Off the Mat – July 2020 Congratulations to our Newly Promoted Students Congratulations to everyone who worked hard and earned their next…
Word of the Month – Responsibility #4
Responsibility Week 4 “Responsibility’s like a string we can only see the middle of. Both ends are out of sight..” William…
Word of the Month – Responsibility #3
Responsibility Week 3 “Responsibilities gravitate to the person who can shoulder them.” Tom Stoppard, British dramatist Responsibility for Adults The…
Word of the Month – Responsibility #2
Responsibility Week 2 “Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.” George Washington Carver,…
Word of the Month – Responsibility #1
Responsibility Week 1 “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we…
Off the Mat w/ Renshi Jan ’20
Off the Mat – January 2020 Crabapplemartialarts.com and Crabapple Martial Arts Academy has been selected the nation’s #1 martial…
Teaching Self Defense Reduces SA
Teaching Women Self-defense Still the best way to reduce sexual assaults Recently, I stumbled across an article from The Globe and Mail,…
Benefits of Martial Arts as Adults
Can Adults Benefit from real Martial Arts training? Many non-martial artists believe martial arts to be an activity for children to help…
We Support Local Teachers
Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Announces New Classroom Initiative to Help Provide Needed Supplies for Local Classrooms Robin’s Heroes honors local teachers…
Value of Social Skills in Kids
Social Skills in Children: Value of Development As adults, it is easy to forget how we developed our social skills and how…