I Cannot Imagine a Better Place

Beau Gilbert

I cannot imagine a better place for a child - or even an adult - to learn karate than Crabapple Martial Arts Academy. Well maybe a super secret dojo in the remote mountains of Japan, but outside of that, CMAA is hard to beat. The staff, faculty, and even the student leaders who help teach the younger classes are all exactly as I had hoped they would be. They are kind, patient, engaging, and skilled at what they do. We found CMAA by chance. We weren’t planning to enroll our daughter in karate classes, but when we met Sensei Robert at an event, we were so impressed by how he guided and focused our daughter, Lorraine, that we decided to give it a chance. I would like to thank him particularly. In our time there, he has greatly exceeded even that initial good impression. His talent as a teacher is matched and improved by his patience, good humor, and attention to his students. You could not ask for a better role model in your child’s life. Unfortunately we live more than 30 minutes away and our toddler who if forced to come with us to each lesson just can’t handle the twice a week drive anymore. Still, we’re so glad to have been part of this community for a few months, and we eagerly look forward to rejoining it when our children get a little older.